Saturday, August 16, 2008

mob mutt

Dino " The Dumbell' Dagastino was a mob mutt from Providence RI. He transplanted to tinsel town after Patriarca-crime family capo , Nick Bianco, spit in his ugy puss for robbing an old lady.

After hitting the streets of Hollywood , the low-life teamed up with another mob moron named John Dimattia. The two stooges dealt drugs and scammed bookies untill they took a fall in a mob bust in 1987 . Dino told a judge that he was forced into dealing by a Mafia maniac named Anthony "The Animal" Fiato.The judge called Dino an imbacile--and he told him in so many words to man up. Then he gave him 6 years. Dino left the coutroom crying like a bitch
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