NEW YORK—A top Department of Sanitation official pleaded guilty on Tuesday on bribery charges in connection with the Gambino organized crime family.
New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo’s office said that New York City Department of Sanitation Deputy Chief Frederick Grimaldi, 44, was involved in a scheme where he obtained illegal kickbacks for a construction project.
Grimaldi apparently got the kickbacks while overseeing a Department of Sanitation contract on building blocks that were supposed house road salt. His father-in-law, an alleged Gambino crime family member Michael Murdocco, orchestrated the deal, said Cuomo’s office.
“This corrupt Sanitation manager betrayed the public and the city agency where he held a coveted, well-paid position,” said Department of Investigation Commissioner Rose Gill Hearn. “Fittingly, he stands convicted of a felony, his fate sealed by his own greed, incriminating words, and conduct,” said Hearn.
Another man, William Cosidente, 45, also had connections with Murdocco, pleaded guilty on the same day on extortion charges.
Cosidente was the apparent “muscle” in an illegal sports betting ring controlled by an organized crime syndicate operating out of Staten Island. According to Cuomo’s office, Murdocco had Cosidente strong arm various people to collect gambling debts.
Grimaldi pleaded guilty on bribe receiving in the third degree and will receive somewhere between 2-7 years when sentenced. He is expected to be sentenced on July 14. Cosidente will be sentenced on May 27 for grand larceny and will receive between 1.3 to 4 years.
Murdocco pleaded guilty last year on Enterprise Corruption charges and will be sentenced on June 22.
The gambling ring was run by the Gambino family, generating hundreds of thousands of dollars. Gamblers bet on horse races, professional football, baseball, hockey, and basketball games. If the gambler didn’t pay up, the crime family would use threats of violence to get their money.
“My office will continue to work closely with our colleagues at all levels of law enforcement in our ongoing efforts to combat organized crime in our neighborhoods and corruption in our government,” said Cuomo.
The attorney general’s Organized Crime Task Force along with the NYPD obtained evidence via wiretaps and traditional investigative techniques, said Cuomo’s office.
Back in November, Gambino crime family captain Carmine Sciandra pleaded guilty on enterprise corruption and grand larceny for his role in the crime syndicate, which included loan sharking and illegal gambling. He is forced to give up $1.2 million and will be sentenced to 1.5 to 4.5 years in prison starting on June 22. http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/content/view/33319/